Party blower thingy? I had no idea! Anyway, she told me that in Spanish they're called "espantasuegras," which literally translates to "scare the mother-in-law." She blew one out and said that the action, easily associated with blowing up a lady's skirt, is a daughter-in-law's way of saying "humfph!" to something annoying the "suegra" does or says. So much tied up in a little thing! I love learning things like this.
And for the record, both N and I have very cool and loveable suegras. ;)
Perfect. Closest I could come on my own is "party favor," but that's way too generic. A little research using Google and Spanish translation to English shows the party crowd calls them Paper Blow Outs. Descriptive enough, I guess, but I've never heard the term. It's funny that something to which we are introduced at such a young age has gone all this time without a name. Actually I like "party blower thingy" best anyway.
ReplyDeleteLeonor and I are cool and lovable suegras because we have such cool and lovable children-in-law! - Mom